maiki scratches

Continuing the discussion from maiki scratched 2024:

This is where @maiki microblogs, a digital scratchpad. :notebook:

You (yes you) are encouraged to interact, argue, correct, emojify, or whatever, any message in this thread. It is for discussion, otherwise I would have kept it to myself. :slight_smile:

Be bold! We will split off conversations as they become interesting. :rocket:

Your adversary: how to you vanquish them from your timeline?

Push away, or pull closer?

There will be an phenomenon claimed for what it took for people to be tripped up by AI.

Every story I’ve heard where someone gives an earnest account of how they began to believe AI was sentient, it is when AI tech accomplished something that person was challenged by.

If any person has a point where this happens, it means if AI tech landed way farther along, it would activate everyone’s sense of “singularity”, but would be played out in media as a spectrum from least technical to most.

Meanwhile, AI tech is barely scratching the surface here. Yeah, it’s novel and trendy and hopefully useful. But most folks are just awaiting a confirmation “we’ve gone too far”.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Living with and without magitech


I’ve been trying to containerize myself!



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Moving Through Network In Transit to Next Facility

One of the most offensive phrases emitted at me.

How would one study 10,000 years of culture? :thinking:

How often do gas stations accidentally blow up? Do we have a total?!

I want to know how many smokers blew up gas stations, I guess…

{personal, family, community, travel} computing

Choice versus possible.

This chart explains what I already know…

2 posts were split to a new topic: Monitoring body responses

NASA Images

The NASA Images archive was created through a Space Act Agreement between the Internet Archive and NASA to bring public access to NASA’s image, video, and audio collections in a single, searchable resource. The Internet Archive NASA Images team worked closely with all of the NASA centers to keep adding to the ever-growing collection. The site launched in July 2008 and had more than 100,000 items online at the end of its hosting in 2012.


What is a Space Act Agreement?! :smiley:

Is spycraft harder because of all these trackers in luggage and essentially every device now…?


Incidentally, everything I’ve done has been with finite wisdom. :grimacing:

Ah, herd immunity. You will adapt, people.

I can work with that!