Setting up a wearable device

I ordered a Pixel Watch 3 (Wifi). I have a very specific configuration in mind, and will be noting it here.

It pairs to a Pixel 8 Pro. (Hmmm, I never noted how I set that device up…)

Delayed until Tuesday. :person_shrugging:

I received the device last night and after about 30 minutes I have it the way I like it. Let’s see if I can go thru and remark upon the changes I made.

The device is largely configured via an app on the Pixel phone.

There are many interesting and fascinating watch faces available. I wanted something simple and to the point, and I chose the above, called “Index”.

The complications I’ve included are:

  • date
  • time
  • batter life
  • steps
  • weather temperature
  • heart rate

There are all data sources I would check normally, so this works out for me. :+1:

Swiping the watch face left or right cycles thru a series of tiles.

Again, I like to check the weather, my heart rate over time (my interest in stress related activity), and my steps for the day.

Additionally, I use the timer and map tiles. These are great for me! I time things all day long, so much so I moved the Clock app to my very minimal homescreen…

…and now I can just swipe and press the timer I need. :tada:

I’ve not ruined any cups of tea since getting this device! :sweat_smile:

I don’t actually need to use the maps app most times; I familiarize myself with maps of places I’m going before I go there. I’ve alwayd done this, and don’t see this habit changing.

However, while in Tokyo I realized I could wander about and let the app auto-correct my wanderings so I still get to my location. Also, because the public transit info was so useful there, I’ve begun using it in the Bay Area, where there are always multiple buses/trains/ferries to get anywhere.

Since I can press the complication on the watch face to access info, I’ll probably end up removing the weather and steps tiles.

Check that out! Everything is muted/hidden! I don’t need those dings any more, I can vibrant my wrist. :tada:

I did not want the watch to ever distract me with light or sound. The tilt-to-wake function works very well, even allowing me to quickly read jabber messages sent to my phone.

I turned the font size all the way up, tho it still seems a bit small… I don’t think I could press individual characters if it were smaller. :person_shrugging:

The dot shows me something is to read. :+1:

I live in a place with increasing violent crimes, and am a pedestrian always being almost hit by motorists. This is a reason I got the device.

I did not change anything in Accessibility (font size was changed on a different screen).