I maintain the maiki.xyz domain.
It is used for email and HTTP redirects.
Email is essential, and I minimize it
The primary use of the maiki.xyz domain is to serve as the base for any email address I may need.
Email is complicated, but is still being used for a bunch of things, so I chose a path where I could easily silo efforts from each other and spin up new addresses as needed.
Redirects are useful, and here is the laziest way I know
maiki.xyz redirects to maiki.interi.org on the web, which is a static HTML website. It maps URLs directly, so maiki.xyz/example
redirects to maiki.interi.org/example
Then I can just use the static site to control and direct it’s own short-urls to match… it means I edit one line in a text file and I can create any maiki.xyz/redirect
I want.
Why bother?
Just to make it a little easier on myself.
- So many web services want to spam me, it makes my email not useful any longer, but it’s still essential, so… fuck it, I’m fighting this at a high level!
- Short URLs are useful for what I share with folks. This very topic’s URL is:
… Also, once someone learnsmaiki.xyz
, I can just drop keywords for, um, maiki things!