maiki scratches

I’m disappointed I only just heard about Attempted assassination of Donald Trump - Wikipedia from an episode of This American Life.

I don’t follow political matters as closely, but this is a matter of the sanctity of life, not politics. This was a incident of gun violence.

I’ll need to reevaluate the information systems I’m tracking. :thinking:


A card game about glorious, kick ass deeds.

Quests that require cards played by multiple players.

Multiple card types, and the main deck is The World.

terra terram accusat

Is sanity an attachment, a fetter?

Open letters on the web are post cards that Google indexes.

I wonder if “getting older” is really just collecting several 10,000 hours of practice. That would fit my experiences, and sorta compels me to always be doing something meaningful. Even while doing nothing meaningful.

I don’t need a way to make my kids device safe, I need a way to filter the dumpster fire.


Post-last variant…

I only join flash mobs where I have not been invited. :person_shrugging:

My life has become less about not being perceived as weird, and more about ensuring the perceptions are accurate.

Rap Battle of History: Mehmet Oz vs Neil Postman

It’s interesting that COVID gets “boosters”, whereas flu shots are just, ya know, a regular thing.

Is that because of the trauma COVID causes us, or because we are generally more fucked then we realize with this thing? :thinking: