Discourse config checklist

The sites

Each site corresponds to a lot of things I’ve noted, such as Concentric circles of concerns, and I’ll be tracking and adding details to each in a separate topic. This is an intro:

  • notes – this site, which is used by myself both personal and privately, as well as publicly.
  • forums – family forums site, with people everyone I live with know. Also used for comms and organizing our home.
  • scrapbook – a place to share pics and chat with extended and remote bio family.
  • oakparty – exploration platform that serves as a directory of information and comms for my geo region.
  • talkgroup – low-distraction and pleasant web chat and forums for talking about culture, media, and technology.

These are in various stages of launch/life, but every few years I go thru all my hosted software and reconfigure it so it is consistent with the modern web practices to provide the most accessibility as possible.

Notably, even when two sites might appear very similar, I may make different choices based on non-technical reasons. People reasons. The reasons we are building the sites. :smiley:

I’m looking forward to explaining those! Because my mind is full. :face_with_spiral_eyes: